How to Know You Did Well in an Audition

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Auditions are a neat opportunity for you lot to evidence off your skills for the casting crew. It's completely fine and normal to experience nervous before your big day—in fact, nerves show how committed and invested y'all are in your arts and crafts! Regardless of the opportunity, y'all can put your best foot forrard by existence as prepared and confident as possible during your audition.

  1. 1

    Clothes professionally for your audition. Set out a sharp set of apparel the night before your audience, like a wearing apparel shirt and slacks or a overnice brim and blouse. You don't need to dress to the nines, just wear something that demonstrates your professionalism.[1]

    • For instance, you wouldn't want to habiliment jeans and a T-shirt to your audition.
    • You lot don't accept to dress to the nines for your audition! A nice pair of slacks and a blouse or dress shirt can get a long way.
  2. 2

    Make it on time with all the necessary materials. Don't leave annihilation up to gamble on your audition date. Give yourself plenty of time to spare in case you run into traffic or some other unexpected obstacle. Bring your resume and some headshots forth with y'all to give to the managing director.[two] Additionally, behave a drink with you so yous tin stay refreshed before the audition.[three]

    • You may want to have multiple copies of your resume in example there are multiple directors and judges.


  3. 3

    Enter your audience with a lot of conviction. Plaster on a smile and walk calmly into the room, fifty-fifty if you lot're feeling nervous.[4] If your easily experience really shaky, hold onto something heavy, like a book, when you enter the room. Pretend like you already take the function or job that you're auditioning for—your mental attitude can brand a large difference![five]

    • Endeavor to frame the audition every bit a fun opportunity instead of a "make it interruption it" opportunity. If you put yourself under a lot of pressure, y'all may non look as confident.
  4. four

    Memorize your lines , song, or dance in the weeks before your audition. Accept time to practice and memorize your performance with a friend so you know your part completely. If you don't accept fourth dimension to practice with someone, apply a phone app to rehearse instead. Learn your lines, vocal, or routine until performing them feels more like muscle memory.[6]

    • Rehearsal 2 is a $20 app, but it's good to consider if you audition a lot.
  5. five

    Keep your fourth dimension limit in heed as you perform. Review the requirements for the audition before you start your audition. Many places crave you to recite a monologue within two minutes or then. Try to keep this time limit in heed every bit you lot perform so yous don't get cut off.[7]

    • Come across if in that location's a clock that you can wait at as you perform.
  6. half-dozen

    Follow through with your audition fifty-fifty if you lot mess up. Don't beat yourself up or inquire to start over later on making a mistake. Become with the menses and continue on with your audition as usual. This helps you look more than professional, and makes you look more versatile as a performer![8]

    • There'due south nothing wrong with messing up during an audition! What matters most is that you're passionate and committed to your performance.


  1. 1

    Drink something refreshing that clears your pharynx. Bring a beverage with you then your throat isn't dry out when you go in to audition. Choose something like warm h2o or pineapple juice, which will help articulate your pharynx earlier you perform.[9]

    • Drinks with lemon or ginger are also great options.[10]
  2. two

    Read the entire script then yous understand the project. Get through every page of the script, even if it doesn't feel relevant to your audition. Endeavor getting a sense of the projection overall instead of focusing on an individual scene. Reading the whole script gives you lot an idea of what to await from the [11]

    • For example, reading the entire script may give you more than insight into the grapheme that you're portraying, which will aid you give a more authentic operation at your audition.
  3. 3

    Study the script well so you tin portray the grapheme accurately. Look over the script that yous'll be using during your audition, focusing on the dialogue and cues of the grapheme you're reading for. Try to figure out that character'southward motivations, and what really makes them tick.[12] Yous can tell a lot about a character past studying the way other characters interact with them.[xiii]

    • For instance, when yous read through a scene, you lot can generally tell if your grapheme is respected by the other characters or not.
  4. 4

    Option an unexpected monologue to perform at your audition. Endeavor to think outside of the box when choosing a monologue to perform. Instead of picking a popular monologue, choice something that the managing director may not look. Put your own unique spin on the monologue so your performance volition exist memorable.[14]

    • For instance, you can choose a monologue that'due south written for the opposite gender.
    • Read the entire monologue instead of the excerpt y'all plan on performing, equally you want to have a total and consummate understanding of the work. This will aid your performance be more 18-carat and believable.

    Tip: Practice the timing of your monologue! Most auditions specify a time limit for your monologue, then you lot don't want your performance to go on and on. Effort to perform your monologue at a consistent fourth dimension so yous don't need to worry about overstepping in the audition.[15]

  5. 5

    Answer the director's questions with a lot of personality. Let your personality polish through then the director really gets a sense of who you are.[16] Avoid bland answers—you want to bring a fun, professional free energy that shows the director that y'all're a smashing person to piece of work with.[17]

    • For example, if the managing director asks you lot why you lot want the office, say something like: "The feel this character goes through reminds me of an experience I underwent as a child. I actually experience like I tin can go back to my roots with this character."
  6. half dozen

    Embody your grapheme with both your deportment and words. Don't rely on your vocalism lonely to carry you lot through the audition. Instead, choose mannerisms and obvious means your character would human activity. Consider your graphic symbol'southward motivations and try to even retrieve their thoughts.[18] Make your performance authentic and believable then the director is really invested in what you take to offer![nineteen]

    • For case, if your character is angry or frustrated, you can cross your arms while performing.
    • If your character is shy or vulnerable, y'all can act more closed off.
    • It tin exist tricky to embody a grapheme correctly! Ask a friend or family fellow member to sentry you and requite supportive feedback, then you can know if you're headed in the right direction.
  7. vii

    Choose effective means to brandish emotion in an audition scene. Don't let a unmarried emotion define your character during your performance. Remember about the different thoughts and feelings this graphic symbol may have, and how you can portray these feelings in an accurate and conceivable way.[20]

    • For case, if your character is sad, don't just speak in a soft, warbled voice. Evidence that your character is vulnerable, or maybe even aroused with the circumstances in the scene.
  8. 8

    Make heart contact above the judges' head. Keep your gaze focused on the wall behind the manager, as though you're speaking to some other person in the room. Don't make persistent eye contact with the director unless they specifically ask you to.[21]

    • Some directors may prefer that y'all speak direct to them. If this is the case, they'll let you know.
  9. 9

    Expect a few curve balls ahead of time. Note that some directors may ask you to practise something on the wing, like perform a monologue from a unique perspective. Effort to take these directions in footstep and exercise the best that yous can. Don't overthink your audition—merely go with the flow, and let your talent shine through![22]

    • Directors may like to meet how flexible you are, or how comfortable you are with last-infinitesimal changes.


  1. i

    Sit down past yourself for 10 minutes then you can center yourself earlier auditioning. Detect a repose, lone area earlier your audition starts. Sit downward and give yourself time to breathe and become centered. Utilize this time to tranquillity your nerves a bit so you tin can focus on putting forth a dandy performance.[23]

    • Information technology'south completely fine if yous're nervous! Nerves a normal part of auditioning—in fact, there'south a very good hazard that other performers feel merely as nervous equally yous!
  2. two

    Warm upwards your entire body before your audience. Move around and stretch earlier you start singing. Relax the residuum of your body so your vocal chords don't feel tense beforehand. At this point, sing a few simple warm-ups and then your vocalism is primed and ready to go![24]

    • Warming upwards your trunk makes it easier to warm up your voice.
  3. three

    Selection a song that you actually identify with. Remember about songs that you really resonate with—if you can connect to the emotion of the song, you tin requite a really convincing performance to the judges. Aqueduct as much emotion as you can into your audience and then your performance seems really conceivable and authentic to the judges.[25]

    • Make certain that your audition song matches the scope of the show or project that you're auditioning for. If you're trying out for a somber musical, you don't want to sing a high-energy, happy song for the judges.
  4. 4

    Choose music that your accompanist can continue upwards with. Pick out simple pieces of music that don't demand a lot from your piano accompanist. If the song is simple, it'll be easier for you to follow forth with the music and show off your great vocals.[26]

  5. v

    Enunciate each word so your vocals are clear. Enunciate each word that you sing, fifty-fifty if information technology feels like overkill. Spit out each discussion if you need to—what's most important is that yous present the entire vocal without losing any lyrics in the process.[27]

    • Depending on the song, it'south also okay to speak a few lines from the song.
  6. six

    Refrain from imitating popular performances. Don't make your audition a mirror image of a popular singer or performer. Instead, put your ain spin on the song! Forge your own identity in the music and so you tin really stand out to the judges and directors.[28]


  1. 1

    Practice different dance styles so you're ready for a dance audition. Await at the audition class and meet what the unlike requirements are for your performance. Requite yourself ample time to written report and practice each dance form so your audition can look really smooth and polished.[29]

    • For instance, if yous need to know hip-hop and freestyle trip the light fantastic for an audition, spend equal amounts of time studying and training for both.
  2. 2

    Cantankerous-railroad train earlier a dance audition and then y'all're in good shape. Work out on a regular footing, whether it's past swimming, biking, running, or doing Pilates. Build your strength and stamina earlier the audience so yous tin exist in the best possible shape. Experiment with unlike workouts until you find a training schedule that works well for you![30]

    • For instance, you can swim one twenty-four hour period, then become for a run the next day.
  3. 3

    Get headshots washed before a modeling audience. Schedule a coming together with a lensman then you can become some high-quality headshots ready for your audition. Focus on existence as expressive as possible past communicating through your eyes lonely. Endeavor not to be stiff or airtight off during the session, or your headshots may not look as expert.[31]

    • Let the photographer know if you lot take questions! They'll provide guidance and suggestions throughout the session.
  4. four

    Review common modeling terms that you might hear during your audition. Stay on the top of your game by going over terms like "volume," which refers to your portfolio, or "cheating the camera," which refers to turning your head slightly so you're closer to facing the camera. Try to memorize a lot of pop terms so you aren't defenseless past surprise at any signal of your audience.[32]

    Common Modeling Terms

    Get-see: Another term for a modeling audition

    Model grade: A form where you write downward all of your contact and size information

    Ane-plus-one: A session that volition definitely run for 1 hour, simply may end up being ii hours

    Impress: Any kind of picture that's used in a publication

    Tear sheet: A grade that proves you were in a commercial ad

  5. 5

    Review the unlike aspects of your instrumental audition. Continue in mind that instrumental auditions tend to have multiple parts, like playing a pre-selected piece of sheet music, along with possible improvisation and sight-reading segments as well. Double-bank check the audition info to see what kinds of skills you'll need to practice ahead of fourth dimension.[33]

    • Unpredictable segments of your audience like sight-reading and improvisation can seem intimidating, but there's no need to worry! These are only tests to run across how you lot can perform on-the-fly.
    • Some instrumental auditions might accept an ear-training portion of the audience, which involves playing certain notes or rhythms on command.
  6. 6

    Choose a song for your audience that you can play confidently. If your managing director lets you choose the music you'll audition with, await for different pieces of music that really bear witness off your skill, and aren't overly difficult to play. Practice this selected piece so you tin really show off your maximum potential at the audience.[34]

    • Keep in mind that some auditions will assign a pre-selected piece of music and won't allow you cull your own.
    • Don't choose a vocal that'due south above your skill level—fifty-fifty if it'south a difficult song, it won't look equally impressive if you lot accept difficulty playing through it. Instead, choice out a vocal that really showcases your talents!
  7. 7

    Rehearse your instrumental music with a tuner and metronome. Invest in a digital tuner and metronome, which you can place on your music stand up or virtually your do area. Set your metronome to the recommended tempo for the sheet music, and use the tuner to run across if your notes are landing on the correct pitch. These tools tin aid you hone in on the technical details before your audition![35]


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  • Question

    How can I prepare right before an audition?

    Lesly Kahn, MFA

    Lesly Kahn is an interim teacher and coach based in Los Angeles, California. She is the founder and owner of Lesly Kahn & Company, Histrion Training, which focuses on preparing actors for employment in picture show, television and theatre. With well over thirty years of experience, Ms. Kahn has coached hundreds of actors who accept become household names. She also ran the BFA Program in Acting at Marymount Manhattan Higher, and worked in television as well as New York and regional theatre. Lesly holds a BFA from New York Academy and an MFA from The Yale School of Drama.

    Lesly Kahn, MFA

    Acting Teacher & Coach

    Expert Answer

    Back up wikiHow by unlocking this adept answer.

    Acquire what to do when you tin't warm up, You have to learn how to sit in a waiting room with 10 people waiting for your name to exist called, and that has everything to practise with what you're thinking in your head. Endeavour to think thoughts that will make you feel effortless walking into the room and nailing your audition.

  • Question

    How do I know when I'm ready to go to the audience? I experience set up.

    Community Answer

    If you feel gear up, then you lot are. Become for information technology.

  • Question

    I'm already through with my audition, and the results will come Friday. How can I end my feet?

    Community Answer

    Effort not to recall most information technology. Information technology is hard just you just have to distract yourself the best yous can. If the results come in the postal service remember that the mail is sometimes deadening. If it comes through email try not to check it also much, instead check your email once a 24-hour interval or so.

  • Question

    How to cope with stage fright?

    Community Answer

    Stage fear happens to everyone. Make certain you're prepared, know your lines, what you're going to sing/ play, etc. Retrieve of the blitz you get as the curtains open up and the brilliant light is on your face. Pretend like it's only you up there and give information technology your all.

  • Question

    Do I greet judges at audience, or do I wait for them to pb me in everything?

    Community Answer

    Let them know yous are at that place; you lot may shake their hands. Later on that, wait for them to lead you.

  • Question

    My best friend is going for the aforementioned role as me, and she really wants it is information technology. I'm too nervous to do my all-time. What should I practice?

    Community Answer

    You accept a tough decision to make. You can cull to sacrifice yourself for your friend and non get for the role, or you tin can requite information technology your best and trust that your friend will be mature enough to handle it if the part goes to you.

  • Question

    What should I wear to an audition?

    Community Answer

    Y'all should audience in something that is comfortable, and makes you experience confident.

  • Question

    What if information technology is a school play and the director doesn't like me?

    Community Answer

    If you feel similar they don't like you lot, become to someone of higher authority, tell a parent or try your hardest to get on their good side with compliments, smiles and groovy acting.

  • Question

    I'yard auditioning without the script -- I but have to read information technology to the judges when I show up, and so I don't know anything virtually the grapheme considering this is simply to see who will pass to the side by side round. Can you aid me?


    It sounds like they're simply interested in hearing your instinct for voice inflection and line delivery.

  • Question

    In a musical audition, does every role become to sing?

    NyssaLoopsy OwO

    NyssaLoopsy OwO

    Community Answer

    Typically in musicals, the ensemble members play a major role in boosting the vocals. Most roles in nigh musicals volition sing. Look into the musical in question to see what'due south going on.

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  • Become piece of cake on yourself after the audition. Don't replay information technology over in your head—just be proud of your accomplishments![36]

  • Care for yourself to water ice cream or something else fun after your audition is over and done with.[37]


  • Avoid asking the crew or director how you did after an audition, as looks actually unprofessional.[38]


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